Bathroom Renovations – Trends You Could Consider For Your Remodel

Posted on: 16 February 2018

If your bathroom is purely utilitarian, chances are it does not bring you any joy or respite when you need time away from external stresses. Most people assume they need a large and spacious bathroom to get the spa experience, but this is not correct. The one thing to note about this room is that ambience is everything. Thus, by just changing up the appearance of your bathroom and setting a mood, you can transform this space from exclusively functional into your private sanctuary. So what are some of the trends that you could incorporate into your bathroom remodel to make it a relaxing haven?

Trend 1: Eco-conscious upgrades

One of the trends being sought after by Aussie homeowners looking to make their home more efficient is eco-conscious upgrades in their bathroom. These upgrades primarily function to increase water efficiency in this space as this is the resource that is most utilised in the bathroom. A couple of the different eco-friendly updates that would be ideal for your bathroom renovation include switching to a dual-flush design toilet and changing out your showerhead to a low flow alternative. Considering the current drought ravaging Australia, these upgrades would be beneficial for the long-term when it comes to water conservation.

Trend 2: Install a bathroom vanity

Initially considered to be a luxury addition, bathroom vanities are increasing in popularity as homeowners are coming to realise how highly functional they can be. Moreover, you do not need extensive floor space in your bathroom to find a vanity that would suit your needs. Custom-made vanities are a popular option for small bathrooms as they can be designed to be installed in awkwardly shaped corners and dead spaces that would otherwise remain unused. In addition to this, you also have the choice of selecting between mounted vanities and freestanding varieties. Therefore, depending on how extensive the renovation will be, you can definitely find a way to include this feature in your space.

Trend 3: Frameless glass shower screen

Shower curtains are no longer a staple in every bathroom. These mould magnets are not only difficult to clean, but they can drastically decrease the sanitation in your bathroom. Frameless glass shower screens are a better alternative as they add a touch of elegance and minimalistic design to your bathroom. Moreover, the glass can also make the bathroom appear more spacious as it enhances illumination and does not compartmentalise the room.
