Pros Of Remodelling Your Exteriors With Composite Cladding

Posted on: 14 August 2019

Cladding offers your home a myriad of advantages ranging from improved energy efficiency to the protection of your walls. Nevertheless, cladding comes in an assortment of materials so it can be challenging to decide on the perfect supply if you have never interacted with cladding before. While supplies such as vinyl and metal tend to be a popular option among homeowners, one material is steadily gaining ground in Australia — composite cladding.
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How to Find an Awning to Fit a Narrow Balcony

Posted on: 28 February 2019

Finding an off-the-shelf awning to fit an unusual balcony shape isn't always easy. If your balcony area is long and narrow, then regular awnings won't give you as much coverage as you want. A stretch awning may be a viable alternative solution. Why are these awnings better for tight spaces and how do they work? Regular Awnings Fit Regular Spaces Generally, an awning is wider than it is long. In technical terms, its width always exceeds its projection.
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Redesigning Your Kitchen to Accommodate Multiple Cooks

Posted on: 2 August 2018

Multiple people trying to cook a meal simultaneously can be quite frustrating. In addition to elbowing each other, you will also find that it can impede your prep. Nonetheless, this does not mean that having more than one cook is always negative. In fact, all you need is some ingenuity for your kitchen design, and you can be preparing sumptuous meals with your spouse or children. Typically, if you have a large kitchen but still find that it is too cramped to work effectively with another person, the chances are the space available is being used inefficiently.
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2 Important Things To Know Before Embarking On Your First Kitchen Renovation Project

Posted on: 25 April 2018

When it comes to home renovation projects, kitchens are one of the most popular for many Australian homeowners. An old kitchen, while still perfectly functional, can really date a home's interior and may not be entirely suitable for the variety of functions modern families now expect from their kitchens. Kitchen renovations can also be more complex, more expensive and more difficult to get right than many other projects. This is largely due to the sheer number of different elements that make up a kitchen and the highly visible positioning of the kitchen in the home.
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